May 28, 2011


Since November 09, the date of my last post, the earth spinned 121 times, a college diploma bearing my name was printed, Southwest flew me 1560 miles and I drove in my car 3400 more. I saw Harry Connick, Jr. in concert, became a member of the Barbershop Harmony Society, and secured my first permanent full-time job.

I remain unconvinced that I have the will to express in this format. Sometimes when I don't have the perfect platform, I wish I did, and then when I have any platform I don't want to use it. This is, I suppose, merely an exhibition of the variance in life, which we witness regularly in many aspects. Those habits which do not of themselves represent a principle, moral or absolute standard (in as much as one desires the standard to be absolute in his own life), have the liberty to fluctuate with circumstances, and not be guilty of betrayal to righteousness. My metronomic nature towards blogging is an example of this.

On the other hand, my metronomic nature towards regular Bible reading is an example of an inexcusable habit which is not free to wave with the wind of circumstance, because it is founded on the principle that regular Bible reading is paramount to godly living. Godly living is not an option. Because, by the goodness of God, I have a regenerated soul, it is an ever-present standard which demands the coordination of the circumstances of my life.

I think that I should like to do some more blogging.


  1. I shall be the first to welcome you back and give you a hearty "huzzah":

    Welcome back!

  2. Good! I am going to resume blogging as well. It has been weighing on my mind.
