May 28, 2011


Leno, don't think you win because you get to host a touching story of apologetics. No, you are playing host to an ego-stroking show, starring Jay Leno as The Stroker and Kanye West as The Ego.

People, don't be fooled by Kanye's semantics. You think he is admitting post-fact "I know it was wrong" and "it was rude" because he is interested in making things right? Forget it - its a slap-in-the-face to the public for him to imply he didn't realize it was the wrong thing to do until after-the-fact. He is either slapping you in the face or he is proving to himself to have the maturity of a child - or both. Apologizing is the next act in the Ego play and he will keep saying it as long as it gets him in the spotlight. Leno should win Best Supporting Actress.

1 comment:

  1. "I am sorry" = "I need to make sure you'll still buy my next album."
